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Letter to the new Prime Minister

Heather Paterson

The following letter has been submitted by organisations across the LGBT+ Voluntary and Community Sector to our new Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer.

Dear Prime Minister

On behalf of organisations across the LGBT+ Voluntary and Community Sector, we would like to offer you a warm welcome into your new role as Prime Minister. At a time of national renewal, particularly when parts of our communities have been under attack for some time, we are keen to re-establish productive and collaborative relationships to ensure equality and safety across our LGBT+ communities, across the UK.

LGBT+ Consortium is the umbrella body for LGBT+ Voluntary and Community Organisations in the UK, with over 600 members, and we have been partnering with organisations across the sector to collaborate, cooperate and bring a diverse and intersectional range of LGBT+ organisations together in a consistent way.

Organisations across the LGBT+ sector are ready to engage with our new Government, and we look forward to meeting with you and your teams across Government Departments to discuss where policy impacts on LGBT+ people and communities.

We are ready to offer insight, data, evidence, and the realities of lived experience around the priorities for our communities. This is a time to reframe how our communities are talked about, and how we are worked with, particularly after years of misinformation and division. We want to work together with an inclusive approach, ensuring every LGBT+ person can feel safe, is treated equitably and can fully participate in helping society thrive.

There are a range of policy areas, including health, justice, migration, safety, education, global leadership and civil society where we believe Central Government can contribute positively to LGBT+ policy.

Within these areas of focus, organisations across LGBT+ Civil Society have cost-effective solutions ready to implement. We believe relatively small investment could be disproportionately impactful, positively contributing to outcomes-focussed and compassionate solutions to the inequalities and threats our diverse communities face.

We would welcome the opportunity to bring together the thought-leaders and those directly affected by policy decisions across these areas of focus and look forward to broad engagement with you and your team in the coming months and years.

Yours sincerely

Paul Roberts OBEChief Executive OfficerOn behalf of…

Ade John, Founder & Lead Organiser, GaySocial

Aderonke Apata, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, African Rainbow Family

Alec Scott Rook, Founder, TMSA-UK (Trans Masculine Support & Advice UK)

Alex Charilaou, Co-Chair, Labour for Trans Rights

Alex Farrow, Chief Executive, Kaleidoscope Trust

Alex Feis-Bryce, CEO, Diversity Role Models

Andi Herring, CEO, LCR Pride Foundation

Andrea Brookes, Organiser, Proud To Be Trans In West Berkshire

Andy Hunt, CEO, Intercom Trust

Andy Train, Chair, Pride in Hull

Angela West, Director, QueerBee CIC

Antonia Lines, COO, Come Play With Me CIC

Aubrey Crawley, CEO, West London Queer Project

Avril Clark, CEO, Distinction Partner Support

Ben Kernighan, Interim Chief Executive, Galop

Ben Whur, Managing Director (Interim), Stonewall

Billi Jean, Deputy CEO, Allsorts Youth Project

Bobbi Pickard, Chief Executive, Trans in the City

Cat Burton, Chair of Trustees, Gender Identity Research & Education Society

Cat Hurst-McGahey, Chair, LGBT+ Northern Social Group

Cecilia Righini, Founder + Creative Director, Studio Lutalica

Charlotte Emily Skardon, Organiser, Tavistock LGBTQIA+ Social Group

Chay Brown, Director of Operations, TransActual

Chloe He, Director, Sapphic Bison

Christopher Gull, Chair of Trustees, The Brighton Rainbow Fund

Christos Bitzis-Politis, Club Secretary & Lead Welfare Officer, London Frontrunners

Claire Ebrey, Founder, Pride in Leadership CIC

Daniel Tomlinson-Gray, Co-founder and Director, LGBTed

Danielle St James, Chief Executive, Not A Phase

Dara Addams, Founder / Lead Organiser, Pluto MCR

Dr Alexander Rhys, Chair, It Gets Better UK

Dr Carl Austin-Behan OBE DL, Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ CommunityAmbassador, Greater Manchester Pride Network

Dr Paul Martin OBE, Chief Executive, LGBT Foundation

Dr Rebecca Don Kennedy, CEO, Equality Network, Scotland

Drew Dalton, CEO, ReportOUT

Ellis Beardsmore, Co-CEO, Pride Outside CIC

Emily Harley, Chair, LGBT+ Lit Fest

Finn Warman, Artistic Director / Chief Executive, Andro and Eve

Graham Reese, CEO, Newbury Pride

Grey Roberts, Co-Founder, TNBorguk

Heather Paterson, Chief Executive Officer, SAYiT

Helen Walsh, CEO, Space Youth Project

Ian Howley, Chief Executive, LGBT HERO

Ian Wallace, Director, Gaydio

J T Riggs, Director, Spectrum Inclusion

Jack Chapman, Chair, Navigate Brighton

Jacob Stokoe, Managing Director, Transparent Change

James Henry Glennon, Policy Director, Pride UK Training and Consultancy

Jamie Lowe, Managing Director, Trans Support Hub CIC

Jason Kattenhorn, Editor-In-Chief, Sassify Zine

Jay Crawford, Chair of Trustees, Sparkle - The National Transgender Charity

Jay Stewart, CEO, Gendered Intelligence

Jayne Bloggs, Transiness admin, Transiness

Jayne Ozanne, Director, Ozanne Foundation

Jean-Francis Dor, Chairman, Gay Professional Network & Gay Business Association

Jen Yockney MBE, Convenor, BiPhoria

Jordan Trigg, Senior Data Analyst, Beyond Reflections and Pride Action North

Karen Skipper, CEO, Spectra

Kate MacKenzie, Lead Volunteer, TranSanctuary

Kate O'Donnell, Artistic Director, Trans Creative

Katy Jon Went, Founder, GenderAgenda

Kelly Walker-Reed, Chief Executive Officer, Wolverhampton LGBT+

Kieran Bohan, Director, Open Table Network

Kirsty Northam, Communications Team, Windsor and Eton Pride

Kuljit Singh, Project Led - The Open Minds Project, The Open Minds Project – LGBTQ+ South Asians

Laila El-Metoui, CEO and Founder, Pride in Education

Laura Mackay, CEO, Just Like Us

Lauren Stoner, Chief Executive, Mermaids

Leila Zadeh, Executive Director, Rainbow Migration

Lewis Turner, Chief Executive, Lancashire LGBT

Lisa Snowdon-Carr, Chief Exec, 2BU Somerset

Louie Stafford, Managing Director, Learnest CIC / Our House Wakefield

Luca Nasciuti, Community Trustee, Hidayah LGBTQIA+

Lucie Brooke, Director, FREE2B

Lucy & Avril Clark, Founders, Trans Radio UK, TRUK United FC & TRUK Listens

Lynne Nicholls, Chair, Firstbrick Housing

Maari Nastari, CEO, Star Support

Mack Mclean, CIC Director, Rainbow Bedfordshire Events CIC

Mark Fletcher, Chief Executive Officer, Manchester Pride

Mark Healey, Founder / CEO, 17-24-30 National Hate Crime Awareness Week

Mark Kelvin, CEO, LGBT Health and Wellbeing

Matt Humberstone, Founder, Plus Importance Project

Matt Mahmood-Ogston, CEO, Naz and Matt Foundation

Matt Taylor-Roberts, Founder and Managing Director, Proud 2 b Parents

Matthew Daykin, Chairperson, Scottish Ace Network

Matthew Kenworthy Gomes, Chief Exec, Cornwall Pride CIO

Maurice Greenham, Chair, North Midlands LGBT Older Peoples Group

Max Price, CEO, Proud2Be CIC

Monty Moncrieff MBE, Chief Executive, London Friend

Mr Oscar Sharples, Director, Transilience CIC

Ms Lilly Newton, Group Leader, Oasis

Naomi Bennett, CEO & Founder, Lesflicks Ltd

Nicholas John Barlow, Hub Coordinator, Wolverhampton LGBT+

Nick Lewis, Director, Umbrella Cymru

Niranjan Kamatkar, CEO and Artistic Director, Wise Thoughts

Osman Mohammed, Community Outreach Coordinator, HIDAYAH LGBT

Patricia Curtis, Chair, TransPALS

Paul Gary Ryder, Manager, LGBT Sparkle Social Group

Peter Flockhart, Dance teacher, The Cactus Club

Pip Gardner, Chief Executive, The Kite Trust

Professor Emeritus Sue Sanders, CEO, Schools OUT

Rebecca Sharples, Director, Transilience CIC

Reverend Jide Macaulay, Founder & CEO, House of Rainbow CIC

Richard Euston, CEO, Chester Pride

Richard Stevens, Chairperson, Pride in Gloucestershire

Roberta Francis, Volunteer, Tags Swimming

Ruby Almeida, Chairperson, LGBT+ Catholics Westminster Pastoral Council

Rupert Abbott, Executive Director, GiveOut

Sahhara Iris, President/ Executive Producer, Miss Trans Global Organisation

Sand Owsnett, Chair, Highland Pride SCIO

Sarah Furley, Chair, FFLAG

Sarah Maslen, CEO and Founder, Undivided Training and Consultancy

Sarah Savage, CEO, Trans Pride Brighton

Sarah Taylor, CEO, Proud Wellness CIC

Scott Cuthbertson, Director, The Rainbow Project

Sebastian Rocca, Founder and CEO, Micro Rainbow CIC

Shaun Dellenty, LGBT Advocate & Educator, Dellenty Consultancy/Inclusion For All

Simon Shaw, Chief Executive, Redbridge Rainbow Community

Steph Keeble, Director, Birmingham LGBT

Steph Richards, CEO, TransLucentOrgUK

Stephanie Fuller, Chief Executive Officer, Switchboard - The National LGBTQIA+ Support Line

Stephen Williamson, Executive Director, Cara-Friend

Stephen A Ireland, Founder, Pride in Surrey

Stephenie Robinson, Lead Creative Wellbeing, Oasis Resource Centre

Steve Harris, Chairman, Windsor and Eton Pride

Steven McIntyre, Chief Executive Officer, Stonewall Housing

Stewart O'Callaghan, CEO, OUTpatients

Sue Jones, Head of Operations, Ditch the Label

Summer Jones, President, Warwick Pride

Susie Cuthill, CEO, The Proud Trust

Teresa Sharpe, Chief Executive, elop: LGBT+ Mental Health & Wellbeing

Thomas Empson, Chief Executive Officer, The OutHouse

Tina Carnally, Director, Forward CIC

Tony Ereira, CEO, Come Play With Me CIC

Tony Openshaw, Co-ordinator, Out In The City

Tor Docherty, Chief Executive, New Family Social

Tris Reid-Smith, CEO, Pride Wide

Zoe Grant, Charity Manager, Breakout Youth

Zoe McIntee, Chair, Coventry Trans Pride



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